Success Is All In Your Mind

"Aim for success, not perfection.Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the
ability to learn new things and move forward with your life." – Dr. David M. Burns

Do you know that you can test drive to  earn & learn new things in Success University for only $2?

How do you measure success? It’s probably not exactly the same for any two people. While athletes measure success by wins or their personal best, a business owner may measure success
by the amount of money their business nets every year.

Regardless of how you measure success, it all starts in your mind…..your subconscious mind, to be exact.

While most people are familiar with the concept of the subconscious mind, few truly understand how to use its power to create the success (and happiness) that they desire.

To take advantage of this incredibly powerful tool, you must first program your subconscious mind for the success you are seeking. Without a clear, consistent "picture" of the results you seek, your subconscious mind can actually sabotage even your best efforts.

Any time there is confusion, your subconscious will struggle to help you achieve your goals. That’s why the more concise your goal and your mental image of its results, the better the chances you’ll achieve
. By creating and focusing on this concise concept of what you want to achieve, you’re helping your subconscious mind manifest that result in your reality.

It’s very important to monitor what you tell your subconscious verbally and silently.

Most people are surprised to find when they actually start to "listen" to the words they use on a daily basis that they are issuing counterproductive "requests" to their subconscious.

Make sure to use positive descriptions when speaking aloud or to yourself silently about your goals. Instead of saying "I won’t be overweight anymore", phrase your request in a positive way: "I am thin.”

Also, it’s important to use a present tense, not a future tense like "I will be thin" as your subconscious takes everything literally. If your request is in the future, it will think that it doesn’t need to change anything now. It lives in the present.

"The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that
endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that
occur." – Vincent Lombardi

Do you have those qualities? Get your spirit and will to win with Success University

Be careful not to use negative words accidentally: such as "I’m not going to be poor any more." Your subconscious mind doesn’t understand words like "not", "doesn’t" or "won’t". It will automatically delete those words from your request which will almost always create the opposite meaning and results of your goal!

There are many techniques you can use to create clear pictures of your completed goal. Most find that imagining a movie in their mind of what it will be like when you achieve your goal to replay in your thoughts to be very effective. For example, if you’re trying to wipe out your credit card debt, imagine yourself receiving statements from your credit card companies with a $0 balance
on the payment section.

Remember, what you focus on expands. If you constantly see yourself overweight, or in debt, that’s what your subconscious mind will continue to create for you in your reality. It’s very simple and takes very little time to mentally produce a "movie" that gives your subconscious a clear idea of what results you want. With consistent attention and effort toward what you DO want, you’ll be amazed at the results you can create with your mind!

One Response to “Success Is All In Your Mind”

  1. gregorio ramos jr Says:

    I believe that what you focus on expands. The advice of Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Panasonic and considered the god of Japanese management is to think constantly about your business. Just imagine this. He did not get enough education and was sickly and yet he expanded his business whose initial capital was only one hundred yen or the equivalent of $100 during that time. Not only businessmen can use the idea of focusing on one’s endeavors but also politicians.

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